Global Technology for Australia and SE Asia
Global Tech Group™ specialises in the development and implementation of new markets for leading-edge technologies and partners.
Global Tech Group™ Pty Ltd is launching products in the aviation, mining and construction industries.
Our products are set to transform and digitise the operational day to day activities of management, compliance and training and in turn revolutionise the operation of these industries.
Our Products
Unparalleled Vision Operating System
Gen Z™ Series
Ruggedised, light weight IP67 thermal imaging cameras offering unmatched, enhanced and clear imagery in harsh conditions.
Global Clean Coal Technologies
Global Clean Coal Technologies™ (Aust) Pty Ltd develops and supplies leading-edge combustion imaging analysis control technology for real time images of the burn, the slag and the state of the boiler.
Portable Vehicle Training System in Live Operations
Intelligent training facilitated by technology. A solution to training & safety for live operation single-seat vehicles.
Next Generation Aircraft Technical Log
Intuitive, portable and proactive, eTechLog8 is an integrated, electronic upgrade to paperless aircraft technical log system.
Vibration and Noise
Unique and patented products regarding sensor and wireless technology, doing measurement and risk assessment; simple and accurate.
Product Development
Global Tech Group's foundation is the drive of constant research and development of key niche solutions in the market.
What we do
Our latest products are leading-edge technologies, digitising once complex and timely tasks transforming them into intuitive, effective solutions for an entire industry. eTechLog8 and PVTS™ are ready for market, passing respective testing and votes of “No Objection”. The Gen Z™ Series thermal imaging cameras are already on the market and in use across Australia.
Find out more about our latest products eTechLog8, PVTS™ and Gen Z™ Series
We are also a trusted and verified seller of HealthVib inSeat
Through our international partner network, we are able to provide professional services for our trusted partners and establish traction in market places such as Australia, New Zealand and Asia. Learn more about our Strategic Partnerships.
PVTS a Finalist in Queensland Mining Contractor Awards 2016
Global Tech Group’s Portable Vehicle Training System (‘PVTS’) is now a finalist in the 2016 Bowen Basin Mining Club QLD Mining Contractor Awards 2016 in the JCB CEA Project Innovation Award category.