Intuitive, portable and proactive - eTechLog8 is an integrated, electronic upgrade to paperless aircraft technical log system. 

Operating on a range of robust mobile devices eTechLog8 captures aircraft flight and technical data directly into an intuitive digital format, completely bypassing the traditional paper to digital workflow. The data is then transmitted directly to the airlines back office, assuring accurate and real time information.

eTechLog8 offers secure data warehousing, supported through eCentral8, a secure cloud-based platform. All technical and maintenance data is securely transmitted into the IMS and MRO systems. The eTechLog8 and eCentral8 platforms work together seamlessly with the eGIS8 module to integrate, with varying level, into your MRO solutions such as AMOS, Commsoft and TRAX, but not limited to these.

eCabinLog8 is a companion application for use by cabin crew, designed to eliminate paper-based processes for recording and reporting potential non-airworthiness defects identified in the cabin during a flight. Totally integrated with eTechLog8 enabling captured defects to be forwarded directly from the cabin device to the flight crew’s eTechLog8 master device, located in the cockpit through wireless direct connect. This means less likelihood of transcription and interpretation errors. 

The eTechLog8 empowers aircraft operations with a technology that will improve efficiencies in the industry. It allows for a secure, digitised data management system and is proactive. eTechLog8 offers benefits inluding;

  • Reduction of delayed, missing, unreadable and faulty paper tech logs;
  • Eliminates double handling; and
  • Communication between flight crew and maintenance crew.